So now I've not only taken on the huge task of managing a website, I've also started a new blog in my name, because I believe it's important to write under your own name . . . to have the balls to put your name right where your big mouth runs. (We'll see how that works out. I maintain the right to shut down shop and run if/when necessary.)
If you've been a supporter of my lit-blogging, thanks a million, and please be assured that I will continue to provide (for your reading, laughing, mocking, pfffffhhhing purposes) the same writing I've been doing here.
My new URL will look familiar, but it's not the same:
I won't be updating here in this space any longer, so please note the URL change if you're currently linked to me and would like to maintain that link to my new posts.
You can also follow me on Twitter where I'll tweet updates on new posts and . . . well follow me and you'll find out what else I tweet about :
Thanks, once again, for reading me and for commenting, and for supporting what I've done here.
Now come check me out over here where I've just posted a write-up of Trinidad and Tobago's first Bocas Literary Festival: